Best Doctor For Allergy and Cold | Difference Between Cold & Cough | Dr. Nishtha Singh

Cold and allergy have become very common due to changing weather and so much pollution. Now every second person is troubled by cold or allergies. We know how much it bothers us, coughing, sneezing continues to bother the people around you and also the infected person. If someone is bothered by cough and sneezing, headache, fever, then maybe you are infected with a virus or you have allergic problems that trigger your coughing and sneezing. 

Best Doctor For Allergy and Cold | Difference Between Cold & Cough | Dr. Nishtha Singh

Many various types of viruses are responsible for colds. While the signs and severity may vary, colds usually share some of the same basic characteristics, and Allergies happen when your immune system has an unfavorable reaction to certain things. When you’re exposed to an allergy trigger, recognized as an allergen, your immune system releases chemicals called histamines. 

Allergies and colds symptoms

  1. coughing
  2. sneezing
  3. runny nose
  4. watery eyes
  5. sore throat
  6. nasal congestion

You can have these problems when you have a cold such as fatigue, aches, and pains, sore throat, fever. And You can have these problems when you have an allergy such as itchy eyes, wheezing, skin rashes.

Difference between Cold and Allergy

There above 200 subtypes of viruses that can cause a cold. Colds are transmitted by droplets in the atmosphere from coughing and sneezing. Although colds happen more commonly in the winter, and they can develop any time of the year.

An allergy is not affected by a virus and is not infectious. Instead, an allergy occurs when the immune system reacts to a usually harmless material as if it were dangerous.

If you find a doctor who specialized in Allergies and colds then Dr. Nishtha Singh is one of the Best Doctor For Allergy and cold. Winter is coming and these problems are more common so if worried about your health then visit once Dr. Nishtha Singh.


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